mardi 15 mai 2012

Cation and DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid)

First aid. Acute purulent inflammation of the hair follicle and surrounding its tissues. Symptoms and flow. Characterized foment the rapid emergence and spread of a painful swelling, redness spilled over it, high temperature (40 ° C and above), pain, dysfunction foment the affected body parts. During phlegmon usually heavy. On top infiltration observed foment small cluster of pus with a black dot (necrosis) in the center. Treatment of phimosis surgery alone - the foreskin is excised. Furuncle. The resulting wound is cleaned, filled with granulation tissue and healing. Tissue in a circle phlegmon cut away with an antibiotic solution in novocaine local - dry heat, UHF. He advocates conically above the skin, which turns red and becomes painful when touched. Persistent narrowing of the foreskin does not fully expose the glans penis. Patients hospitalized for cellulitis necessarily. If neg improvement after surgery and general treatment, should be suggest the here of local or general complications (further progression of cellulitis, thrombophlebitis, Idiopathic Hypertropic Subaortic Stenosis burrowing pus, septic condition). Immediately after the injury the main task - to reduce pain and to stop bleeding in the tissue. Surgical techniques: make the dressing veins, dissection, excision of thrombosed venektomiyui nodes superficial veins. In the presence of hematoma outpatient treatment - showing suctioning blood with the introduction of antibiotics into the cavity. Increased prothrombin in the blood causes foment for the appointment antikoaguliruyuschih funds, especially to patients with limited active movements. The nature and severity of damage Immunohistochemistry on the characteristics injuring agent (his weight, texture, speed of action and etc.) and type of tissue are affected by the injury (skin, muscle, fat, bone etc.), their anatomofiziologicheskogo state (filling, stress and etc.). In contrast to the abscess process has no clear boundaries. Frequent malignant form of the stream, when the process progresses rapidly, capturing large swathes of subcutaneous, mezhmyshechpoy tissue and is accompanied by severe intoxication. Predispose foment disease contamination of the skin and the micro, weakening the body's defenses because of debilitating chronic diseases, vitamin deficiency, diabetes, etc. Patients with varicose veins, trophic ulcers, etc. Pathogens are usually Staphylococcus and streptococci, but may be called, and other pus-producing germs that enter the tissue through accidental damage to the skin, mucous shells or hematogenous route. Determined by early treatment of diseases that are complicated by thrombophlebitis. Pushing the tissue, crushed and curve and destroying blood vessels, leading to pus tissue necrosis. Called more golden, more rarely, white staphylococcus. Multiple lesions boils that appear simultaneously or one after the other in foment parts of here body foment is called furunculosis foment . The action of large forces along the tangent is accompanied by a large detachment of the skin. Violation of this process leads to phimosis. By the nature of isolated serous purulent exudate, purulent-hemorrhagic and blue forms of cellulitis. Most sensitive here them foment older than 60 years. foment Acute purulent generalized inflammation kletchatochnyh spaces (Subcutaneous, intramuscular, retroperitoneal, and others). Treatment. Is an independent disease, but may be a complication of various purulent processes (carbuncle, abscess, sepsis, etc.). Swelling around her gradually reduced the pain disappear. Major nerve injury can cause shock or paralysis of innervated bruised Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder injury joint - a violation of his functions and etc.

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